Saturday, December 11, 2010

Duofem And Ferrous Fumarate Dosage

psychic symptoms

The symptom as a message

In clinical practice the psychological symptoms rather than signs of suffering, to interpret in the context of the life history of the person, often become items, quantitative values \u200b\u200bthat lead to a diagnostic grid and a score in the wheel of misfortune. Instead, they, even when they are clearly correlated to the dysfunction of an organ or an apparatus , and in this mental disorder is rare, contain a message to decode.
For example, the symptom of fever, in most cases, also expressed the ability to defend (the reaction) of the organism and reports we have to perform a clinical assessment, start of care or take precautions such as correct food habit, sedentary behavior, or simply rest.
psychic symptoms is included in a desperate request for a change that relates to our way of life and thought and the quality of our relationships . The prevailing response is to remove the application with the escape in drugs or in abuse of other 'substances'.

breath of life

The psychic symptom
can be considered
event reasonable
and incongruous,
and inappropriate.
E 'index of acquiescence,
disease and death,
in the individual
and in its reports.
yet expresses revolt
yearning for reconstruction,
growth and hence life.
E 'message bodies,
from the brain,
eyed man,
and also from' oikos (the house, l ' ecosystem);
latter expresses
flavors, including sour and stinging,
the smells, the sights and sounds,
flowering buds,
the prey of honey,
that open up new lives,
the stench of manure
and fertility of the fields,
the rain that revives the fields,
the flood and hail.
Even the darkest anguish
has a breath of life:
is an event
that connects
other events;
alludes to the death
and includes a hope.


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