Sunday, December 12, 2010

Astra Injector Peoblems


Psychotherapy is a modality relationship between physician and patient involves the use of a technique within a project. E ', inevitably, a relationship of intense emotion through which they derive many of the therapeutic possibilities, but also the risk of addiction.
recall among the most common psychoanalytic therapy, the cognitive, family or relationships, the behavioral and hypnosis. The guiding principles and methodologies of all psychotherapy are very dissimilar and each is further diversifies guidance in schools.
While respecting the cultural tension is included in the testing of innovative therapeutic approaches by some therapists, there is a risk of a Babel languages \u200b\u200band proposals, while still poor and the self referential criteria.
Once again, the patient and his family are left out are rarely able to express a real consensus on a choice so delicate, 'should' trust!
E ', however, surprised how the same issue can sometimes be clarified or resolved with one or the other form . Maybe it is critical in most of the theoretical principles, practices, or the matching of personal maturity and professional therapist and openness to change of the patient.
Among the basic objectives of psychotherapy should be to improve the quality of patient's interpersonal relationships, together with the his inner growth. The result is an indirect benefit on the symptom. Other times it can be targeted for action to mitigate or manage a dysfunctional behavior, or support in times of crisis.


An obstetrician backwards
that reconnecting the umbilical cord
between the patient and his ghostly parents.
And when the sap flows again
helps him come back.
is not a work of 'cut and sew'
but embroidery with crochet.


"I've told
of your shadows
and how they have accompanied you
Now I am become
your dress, your skin
and you can not keep
to tear a part of you.
by branches
filters always
a question of light ...
and if we consider it a seed,
your own seed?

It 's true, I always kept
the shadows for me
while looking for the light
in others.

And if that seed accogliessimo
as a precious gift,
if proteggessimo
as you would with a puppy?
If we adopt that puppy
anxious that within us?

Easy to say,
but I became barren,
the heart or diaphragm
scramble when I want
and even thoughts belong to me.

belong, have:
how much devastation
to delimit a small vegetable garden.
lights like the shadows belong
the same big plant
with which circles
seek relief
and there is a song for everyone.

For everyone except for me!

You have many reasons not to change:
your fears, panic, infertility,
are the result of your explanations!

A punch in the stomach,
early in the morning!

not think it's also a caress?

E 'to be evaluated.

Again the reasons!
Invented a 'touch' on the shoulder.
Without touching the world. "


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