You have to hand the High Priestess? before you start to explain I wish you looked good. It 'a beautiful woman, is holding a book and is sitting on (it seems) a throne. Behind her a veil. It is no longer young. We can now begin:
the High Priestess or Priestess is marked with the number II (two). occupies the second position in the first ternary sevenfold in the first of the Major Arcana of the Tarot which aims at becoming active in connection with the previous one and with that which follows it. E 'sitting on a throne that is covered and hidden by the ample folds of her great clothes. The contrast of colors in the figure of the Tarot classics, among which the red robe and blue cloak, indicates the complexity and richness that a paper so enigmatic embodies. So the great symbolic power of this card is the High Priestess in the book that holds in his hands, leaning on her lap, her face seems to indicate that mild is meditating on the law. The book is half open. Many of his interpretations are: the Torah (Jewish book of law) or in some cases are on the cover depicted the symbol of the Tao; peeled from the High Priestess Contine ancestral proverbs and all the laws by which we judge the world, so it is said " Book of Books "as well as the Dies Ire (the day of wrath). However, some Eastern alchemists claimed that the book of the priestess enclose in its pages all the wisdom of the Tantric doctrine of liberation that can gradually break the bonds which unite the soul to the body, the breath of the essence, and in what is liberation. In any case, the title of the book, according to followers of Tantrism would be "Treaty of the Golden Flower." From all this we can already argue like this is a figure in the possession of Knowledge, Truth and Wisdom (which must be won wisdom, truth to be revealed.
In some representations are daily columns to which hangs a veil. The columns can be a white and a black or a red and blue (representing two universes, one male and one female that rule the Universe poster). The veil in some representations is surmounted by a tiara and from this the name " High Priestess and gives even more mystery. The veil which falls on the shoulders evokes the Egyptian goddess Isis, goddess of fertility and fertility typical of nature. It seems the people who taught cannibals time to hear a different food such as fruits, vegetables and almost by magic, people began to eat and grow produce. E 'and then a very strong card, full of esoteric power. According to tradition, the goddess Isis was covered with veils, and when you strip away the land was covered with light and glory.
In some representations the High Priestess holds the keys just mean they want the keys to knowledge and wisdom.
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