It 's the fifth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and is marked by the number V. Is in the second position of the second and fifth triple of the first seven day. In his description is always insists in the symbolic form of the two columns that are behind the figure primcipale. But this blade is not only the figure of the Pope, but two other figures are drawn as an attitude of prostration before him to receive blessing. sometimes this mysterious fifth was named as "The Master of the Arcane."
Emblematically what stands out from the fifth blade are the representatives of those two pillars of Solomon's temple: the first symbol of reason and law, the second intuition and the right. According to a mythological interpretation of the columns represent the golden throne and the great God Zeus Olympus. The red and blue are the dominant colors of this Fifth Card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and this signidica that there is a manifest superiority of the psychological level than that of the senses, understanding and the transcendent. The two characters who receive the blessing of the Pope appear with a shaved head and he does not see his face, covered with broad and adequate cloaks a predominantly yellow and red mostly, are the first symbol of ostentation and arrogance and the second for action and physical vitality.
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