And 'This is the third figure of the "Major Arcana" Tarot and is marked by the Roman numeero III. With the Empress is closed and completes the first Ternary: why should consider its immediate significance in relation to the two figures which precede and complement that with her first triple. If the secret I (the Magician) is the possibility that the unit is contained the multiplicity or diversity is completed by the unit, turn the arcane II (the High Priestess) personifies the fusion of the immanent with the transcendent or the union of the real with the unreal: The figure number III (The Empress) as opposed to a symbol the power of creation, motherhood, fertility as opposed to the emptiness and sterility is one of the most beneficial positions of symbolism, mystical body and at the same time. description of the Empress is necessary to insist on both the variety of colors both on the peculiarities which are conferred. Blue is the color that prevails in this paper and symbolizes the reflexive placidity which is open to impressions and stimuli from outside. Also in evidence that the red stands for passion, strength and vitality, and the yellow is also of substantial importance, is, in a prospective trend in the pageantry, the pomp and luxury. In this paper there is a woman holding a scepter in one hand and the other grabs a shield depicting an eagle (some say a phoenix). the top of the rod is topped with a ball and a cross that symbolizes the element known to the alchemists called antimony. According to the Hermetic doctrine is related to the transmutation and the ascension of the spirit that tends to separate from matter. the woman with a crown encircling the head covering her forehead and leaves the hair found in most traditional Tarot fall back brushing wings. Has twelve stars around her head that scholars say they want to be the signs of the zodiac. With the foot crushes a full moon does not like to eliminate all negative feelings and emotions dominate.
Wings: This is a very important attribute for the Empress as the wings symbolize the strength of subblimazione and idealization, namely the rise above the misery of this world and at the same time the head that no one can climb to the peaks, hidden by a light shining. the wings are the symbol of the need for purity but also symbolize the power of knowledge and strength that can get the intellectual power. the sacred books of the East state that "knowledge and understanding is like having wings" or "no bird faster intelligence." In this perspective, the mythological figure associated with Venus, the goddess of beauty. Also according to the scholars of the Tarot it is in a better way of other female figures of the Tarot, beauty, affection, affection, and feminine sweetness.
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