THE WAGON "tariff"
I do not like to call this but many people who contact me do not know what to offer . I always say is common sense people. What I mean. If someone calls me on the phone:
1) on the same line I can not speak to more than one person and therefore easier to call for an appointment or contact me email.
2) if a person asks me all (chart, cards within an hour or more and always on the phone contacts me constantly because things do not unlock) I mean .... not that I give my time to charity. If a person believes that because the offer is free and gives me 10 euro to be able to think chiamre forever ...... I'm sorry but my time is precious and to make a good run of cards to the multiple questions 'offer is free but must be appropriate, otherwise I reserve the right not to respond.
3) if someone wants an answer to a question by email and must make me the answer when I have time, it is perfectly free , I say and I confirm . But if that person then has second thoughts and calls me, or did not understand the answer ..... well, you should hear him say that before you bid. However
: check in other sites of astrology / fortune telling and you will see the rates. Here it remains a free choice of the person calling but also I, then I reserve the right to see the first offering to pay the mail.
4) Please make tarot cards say the things you unlock in the near future ..... or do not call me late the next day to know why you do not unlock.
5) in this job I learned to give little heed to those who call me and makes the victim. From the papers I read of the economic situation that if "things" have been released or not. Therefore refrain people lying I only bring negativity.
indication: € 5 single
Multiple applications up to 15 minutes 20 €
Two rounds of papers on matters of love, health, work (about 30 minutes on the phone) 35 €
The offer must be made before Too many times I am told that will be made and then jumping out of trouble. If you do not feel well do not call, does not matter.
I make this work for passion, not to absorb negativity "free."
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
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clarification as Friend
Dear friends and future fortune tellers, deliberately pose cards of different features and different authors, different from the explanation why it will inspire you to arrange a personal deck of tarot cards. The images on tarot cards are not always the same. Depending on the territory and popular culture have changed by adding or removing the items depicted. For example in this paper that I posted and I collected a very interesting site Tarot Cupid, the Cupid sweet there. This does not change the meaning of the blade itself.
Dear friends and future fortune tellers, deliberately pose cards of different features and different authors, different from the explanation why it will inspire you to arrange a personal deck of tarot cards. The images on tarot cards are not always the same. Depending on the territory and popular culture have changed by adding or removing the items depicted. For example in this paper that I posted and I collected a very interesting site Tarot Cupid, the Cupid sweet there. This does not change the meaning of the blade itself.
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figure number VI of the major arcana tarot occupies the third and final position of the second triple. The classic version from which depicts Cupid takes aim with his bow a man at the center flanked by two women who seem to argue heatedly. Cupid's arrow indicates the direction where the young, with what you want INTED that there is a huge responsibility when you choose your partners and should not be taken lightly as feelings so deep as the affection and love, sorrow and love are like the arrow of the same coin, whose value is not measured by material criteria.
The rich colors of the figure stands out among other lovers tarot cards. The various colors of the aura that surrounds Cupid - located at the heart of an idyllic sunlight emitting and spreads everywhere its rays of red, yellow and blue - as well as the tunic Frandi man, are a symbol contrast, ambivalence, the confusion and insecurity, in making a decision of great importance.
The arrow in his bow Cupid's Office indicate the cost of fortifying our knowledge with wisdom to solve the real, so, our business - especially those who present with un'inusitata gravity - and can tell what the proper freedom of action, the right path and the appropriate response.
From a mythological point of view, the sixth figure of the "Major Arcana" Tarot is frequently associated with the hero Hercules, according to legend, classic, had to choose between virtue and viszio, good and evil, light and shadow.
This involves uncertainty and puts us in a position difficle at a crossroads where the circumstances of life to establish itself as leading protagonists of stories unpleasant and unwanted.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
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It 's the fifth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and is marked by the number V. Is in the second position of the second and fifth triple of the first seven day. In his description is always insists in the symbolic form of the two columns that are behind the figure primcipale. But this blade is not only the figure of the Pope, but two other figures are drawn as an attitude of prostration before him to receive blessing. sometimes this mysterious fifth was named as "The Master of the Arcane."
Emblematically what stands out from the fifth blade are the representatives of those two pillars of Solomon's temple: the first symbol of reason and law, the second intuition and the right. According to a mythological interpretation of the columns represent the golden throne and the great God Zeus Olympus. The red and blue are the dominant colors of this Fifth Card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and this signidica that there is a manifest superiority of the psychological level than that of the senses, understanding and the transcendent. The two characters who receive the blessing of the Pope appear with a shaved head and he does not see his face, covered with broad and adequate cloaks a predominantly yellow and red mostly, are the first symbol of ostentation and arrogance and the second for action and physical vitality.
Monday, May 17, 2010
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EMPEROR is the fourth card of the Tarot (Major Arcana). With it began the second ternary apparent in his description of the interaction between the real and the symbolic. In this sense, the figure before us is a symbol of power since is a emperor. It 'a symbol of domination since it represents the order and strength. In particular, the symbol of protection as is a guarantee of legality. In the classic figure of the Emperor Tarot reflects largely the card preceding it - the imperative - of which preserves, in addition to the throne also scepter and shield. This underscores the subtle projection and union that exists between the two figures. There is thus becoming even more obvious of the two complementary aspects: On one side of the empress, who embodies the figure the mother and the other the figure of the emperor who symbolizes the father. The similarity shared by both figures means that duality can be regarded as a significant strengthening their power so cryptic, cabalistic, occult, magical, hermetic. The shield appears in both figures as in the imperative as in the empire. The Emperor has sat on the edge of the throne with pride. E 'and a mature man sitting on a throne holding the cube-shaped cross-legged. The right hand holds a scepter surmounted by a globe, which in turn is surmounted by a cross. at the foot of the throne is a shield depicting an eagle. The throne made of stone cube indicates stability and strength ("You are Peter and on this Peter founded my Church ") is the foundation stone. His body is strong and bulky. stand on his helmet ornamental signs that, in recalling the traditional tarot symbolism of the four essential elements: earth, water, air and fire. In the fourth figure of the Tarot is the dominant color is red, a symbol of activity, passion, domination and victory. From a mythological point of view is associated with Hercules, the greatest heroes of classical antiquity, winner of all battles, a symbol of strength and triumph. Of all the fight with "Cerberus" dog that guarded the entrance doors of the underworld, to release Theseus - another classic mythical hero - from that dismal place. The club Hercules that he always carried with him, is certainly a parallel with the scepter in the fourth figure is firmly in the hands of the Emperor. the corresponding Hebrew letter is the letter Daleth
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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And 'This is the third figure of the "Major Arcana" Tarot and is marked by the Roman numeero III. With the Empress is closed and completes the first Ternary: why should consider its immediate significance in relation to the two figures which precede and complement that with her first triple. If the secret I (the Magician) is the possibility that the unit is contained the multiplicity or diversity is completed by the unit, turn the arcane II (the High Priestess) personifies the fusion of the immanent with the transcendent or the union of the real with the unreal: The figure number III (The Empress) as opposed to a symbol the power of creation, motherhood, fertility as opposed to the emptiness and sterility is one of the most beneficial positions of symbolism, mystical body and at the same time. description of the Empress is necessary to insist on both the variety of colors both on the peculiarities which are conferred. Blue is the color that prevails in this paper and symbolizes the reflexive placidity which is open to impressions and stimuli from outside. Also in evidence that the red stands for passion, strength and vitality, and the yellow is also of substantial importance, is, in a prospective trend in the pageantry, the pomp and luxury. In this paper there is a woman holding a scepter in one hand and the other grabs a shield depicting an eagle (some say a phoenix). the top of the rod is topped with a ball and a cross that symbolizes the element known to the alchemists called antimony. According to the Hermetic doctrine is related to the transmutation and the ascension of the spirit that tends to separate from matter. the woman with a crown encircling the head covering her forehead and leaves the hair found in most traditional Tarot fall back brushing wings. Has twelve stars around her head that scholars say they want to be the signs of the zodiac. With the foot crushes a full moon does not like to eliminate all negative feelings and emotions dominate.
Wings: This is a very important attribute for the Empress as the wings symbolize the strength of subblimazione and idealization, namely the rise above the misery of this world and at the same time the head that no one can climb to the peaks, hidden by a light shining. the wings are the symbol of the need for purity but also symbolize the power of knowledge and strength that can get the intellectual power. the sacred books of the East state that "knowledge and understanding is like having wings" or "no bird faster intelligence." In this perspective, the mythological figure associated with Venus, the goddess of beauty. Also according to the scholars of the Tarot it is in a better way of other female figures of the Tarot, beauty, affection, affection, and feminine sweetness.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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With this card to participate in the 3rd challenge Timbroscrapmania and I take this opportunity to give my mom a birthday today! Mammon
A photo to show the relief 'written' with a mask made of cuttlebag, while the rod that says happy birthday I did the pc.
Monday, May 10, 2010
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You have to hand the High Priestess? before you start to explain I wish you looked good. It 'a beautiful woman, is holding a book and is sitting on (it seems) a throne. Behind her a veil. It is no longer young. We can now begin:
the High Priestess or Priestess is marked with the number II (two). occupies the second position in the first ternary sevenfold in the first of the Major Arcana of the Tarot which aims at becoming active in connection with the previous one and with that which follows it. E 'sitting on a throne that is covered and hidden by the ample folds of her great clothes. The contrast of colors in the figure of the Tarot classics, among which the red robe and blue cloak, indicates the complexity and richness that a paper so enigmatic embodies. So the great symbolic power of this card is the High Priestess in the book that holds in his hands, leaning on her lap, her face seems to indicate that mild is meditating on the law. The book is half open. Many of his interpretations are: the Torah (Jewish book of law) or in some cases are on the cover depicted the symbol of the Tao; peeled from the High Priestess Contine ancestral proverbs and all the laws by which we judge the world, so it is said " Book of Books "as well as the Dies Ire (the day of wrath). However, some Eastern alchemists claimed that the book of the priestess enclose in its pages all the wisdom of the Tantric doctrine of liberation that can gradually break the bonds which unite the soul to the body, the breath of the essence, and in what is liberation. In any case, the title of the book, according to followers of Tantrism would be "Treaty of the Golden Flower." From all this we can already argue like this is a figure in the possession of Knowledge, Truth and Wisdom (which must be won wisdom, truth to be revealed.
In some representations are daily columns to which hangs a veil. The columns can be a white and a black or a red and blue (representing two universes, one male and one female that rule the Universe poster). The veil in some representations is surmounted by a tiara and from this the name " High Priestess and gives even more mystery. The veil which falls on the shoulders evokes the Egyptian goddess Isis, goddess of fertility and fertility typical of nature. It seems the people who taught cannibals time to hear a different food such as fruits, vegetables and almost by magic, people began to eat and grow produce. E 'and then a very strong card, full of esoteric power. According to tradition, the goddess Isis was covered with veils, and when you strip away the land was covered with light and glory.
In some representations the High Priestess holds the keys just mean they want the keys to knowledge and wisdom.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
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The Magician

To start to talk about these wonderful cards and if not all the usual things, I would like to explain that over the blade, you also see the iconography and post them to do this every time the image. You should know that if you know well the blade is graphically better the interpretation.
So if we take "the Magician " No One of the major arcana, we must note that the blue appears in the same proportion of red and more green and yellow, it should be noted also that the axis of the table is a pinkish brown. Therefore the proportions given to the color you notice that the Magician (also known as Wizard or Battiloro) is the symbol of a dark secret with their own code that does not communicate to anyone, to avoid the influences of others, especially those that are harmful. It 'a symbol of physical vitality as to be the first of all "the Magician" must generate confidence and sicurrezza, tolerance and fairness of the proceedings.
In the game preceding the tarot card of the Fool from which sometimes fails to receive its influences but also manifests and supports their differences. In this way, as the Fool (we shall see further on) is considered a traveler walking aimlessly, who escapes from the conventions, which do not take precautions nor responsibility and which gives confidence to everyone, quite unlike the Magician is the prototype of meditation and rationality. You can not catch him off guard because they know in advance events that will happen, as well as the appearance of those you meet along the way. We continue to look at the blade, we see a young man who stood before him a small table on which are placed the tools of the cobbler. In the finest bunches like that of Oswald Wirth, listed on the table, the four card suits Neapolitan Spartianus bulk. We already know that a reference to the four elements (fire, earth, air and water). The young man holds a rod in his left hand up towards the sky and on the right holding a sword that is coming to earth (only in some decks). These tools provide the name of the magician with a wand that summons the aid of the sky, perhaps knowing (with the sword facing the ground) that has to do with perhaps the evil. On his head a hat with the symbol for infinity (an eight inverted) indicates that the tendency towards the infinite always on the road to uncover the unknown fate. We know that we are dealing with a person walking. But the items on the table of the Magician are still in confusion, and these seeds are to be connected to the magic of the four verbs: Know (Cups), Dare (Swords), Will (Wands), Tacere (diamonds). This card is also linked to the Hebrew letter "Alef" which you can see pictured above.
The great strength expressed by this arcane can call the sign of Aries: the first sign of the zodiac and the first fire sign. A fire that, since primitive is often uncontrolled, excessive as it may create can also destroy. Some authors link it instead to the sign of the lion. As for the references of the planets, here are Mercury, with its emphasis on intellectual ability and the overall ability of the character portrayed. Which, in fact it also works with reference to the characteristics which takes the paper to the negative (they are the flaws of Mercury. Still others link it to the star of the Sun
What, now you expect to find the right card and to reverse what it means but I, who am a serious guy will not reveal these stories before they will have learned to look at these wonderful cards and notes to learn about them. Everyone will make their cards depending on the emotions that broadcast.
This wonderful image was drawn by Titian Kienz
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