Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kate's Playground On Iphone


The concepts of normality and pathology suggest an artificial section into psychophysical individual and between it and the environment, made even more evident in the ambiguity ineffability of psychic phenomena. For example, does indeed fall between the behavior or absurd, if you prefer, including those defined disease, to wash their hands a hundred times a day, freeze in panic at every anxiety, to act as leader of the world imaginativeness plots of the neighbors.
But it is equally insane overthrow in stadiums or squares acts of blind violence and racist, roaring with a 'motion' innocent pedestrians, throwing rocks from overpass, spend most of free time on television or told they pursue power at any cost and awards, ie remain infants for fear of light.

For fear of light

extinction does not grow,
blinded not to see.
Digging into the past
not to risk the future.
not approach for fear
invent enemies
for not accepting his weakness.
abandon other
for fear of being abandoned.
Crush the enemy,
dissident, the different,
the pariah, the disabled,
to obfuscate,
the their disability,
their differences,
their conflicts,
the precariousness of its power,
desperately looking for the warmth
of being and being in the world,
the only way in which it
will never be found:
Keep infants
for fear of light!


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