Depression refers to a trip back in history as vital (and record!) Of the patient and in its biological dimension: an empty nest, a face that moves away, a holiday which we were excluded from ol'incepparsi of a neurotransmitter. It 's a journey into darkness (I found myself in a dark wood) and sometimes it's a one way trip ... a leaf that comes off (the shadow cones).
In true depressive illness should stop running and wait patiently for the arrival of the new season. The patient should not be encouraged to react: no vital impulses, would hear only their own incapacity and increase feelings of guilt that are the source of many desperate actions.
E ', the crucial point that should ever feel only: suffering that oppresses it inconceivable (painfulness). Family members, friends, it is recommended near silent, non-judgmental and without chatter.
When this vital condition of latency (a remnant of hibernating?) Occurs, should therefore be upheld, rejecting claims of modernity to keep constantly active (Drainage vital).
Sometimes the symptoms of depression alternating with episodes of excitement ideo-affective and motor (see Fireworks) : an occurrence is typical of bipolar disorder. Nothing I can (in depression), all I can (in the expansion of humor).
In true depressive illness should stop running and wait patiently for the arrival of the new season. The patient should not be encouraged to react: no vital impulses, would hear only their own incapacity and increase feelings of guilt that are the source of many desperate actions.
E ', the crucial point that should ever feel only: suffering that oppresses it inconceivable (painfulness). Family members, friends, it is recommended near silent, non-judgmental and without chatter.
When this vital condition of latency (a remnant of hibernating?) Occurs, should therefore be upheld, rejecting claims of modernity to keep constantly active (Drainage vital).
Sometimes the symptoms of depression alternating with episodes of excitement ideo-affective and motor (see Fireworks) : an occurrence is typical of bipolar disorder. Nothing I can (in depression), all I can (in the expansion of humor).
What did I do?
I have failed in all
my whole life is a failure.
was at least really alone!
is terrible
'm destroying a whole family.
As an example,
what help I can give to her companion, and my children?
are an empty shell for them,
and begin to get tired of taking care of me, see me like that.
They are ashamed, I am ashamed.
not understand me,
I can understand.
Nobody can understand me!
even I understand.
My eyes are swollen, his face
contract and I can not even cry.
Only a moan.
Can anyone help me?
No one can help me! (*)
What did I do?
I have failed in all
my whole life is a failure.
was at least really alone!
is terrible
'm destroying a whole family.
As an example,
what help I can give to her companion, and my children?
are an empty shell for them,
and begin to get tired of taking care of me, see me like that.
They are ashamed, I am ashamed.
not understand me,
I can understand.
Nobody can understand me!
even I understand.
My eyes are swollen, his face
contract and I can not even cry.
Only a moan.
Can anyone help me?
No one can help me! (*)
of loneliness is always present in depression.
Overall it is a sentiment that has many aspects
enriching in so far as possible to the person,
collection in itself,
to be listening for their voices deeper.
is part of a workout that gives strength to the inner
transience of being prepared and listening to the voices of the world.
But in the most intense moment of depressive illness is perceived
solitude without hope, the only part
deprivation (all private). We deeply respect
this feeling of loneliness and uselessness. This is also
a workout (which should involve family and friends)
and the sufferer is unable to do so 'only'.
The patient should be helped to react against this
experience of solitude, but at
to grant the request, arguing
the expectation and hope of healing. (*)
Drainage vital
Drained of all lymph
under the weight of the vacuum
in myself and around me.
not just the empty
anxiety but heavy,
feelings of paralysis,
of detachment from the usual.
Even posting
rather a never-ending confrontation
yesterday without a tomorrow.
I'm not hungry, just thirsty
water down his throat,
water on the words.
No more words!
The words of family members,
are distant voices
that add to the plight
other plagues again:
"react, do not break down, react"
and I am helpless,
to fight, to have hope,
the same experience that is dumb!
It is off the light.
At least leave me alone in the dark.
Here, in the evening,
when the city lights
have made opaque
and sounds go away,
this evil to live
acquiesce and a little confused.
But to resume at dawn
I say, long before dawn -
wide-eyed over darkness,
between gl ' nightmares of the night
and the nightmare of a new day
Can anyone help me?
No one can help me! (*)
During the life of each one of us was more or less a warrior.
Racing and retreats, satisfaction, face ...
During the life each one of us was more or less, an old man
even those who have not received the gift of age and weight.
But each of us is especially a child
a blank form of adult tries to suppress.
A child, an old man and a warrior take us in,
while we pursue all our time
quell'effige of power that is the adult.
In depression there is the despair of having lost all strength,
to feel old and do not know how to accept children. (*)
During the life of each one of us was more or less a warrior.
Racing and retreats, satisfaction, face ...
During the life each one of us was more or less, an old man
even those who have not received the gift of age and weight.
But each of us is especially a child
a blank form of adult tries to suppress.
A child, an old man and a warrior take us in,
while we pursue all our time
quell'effige of power that is the adult.
In depression there is the despair of having lost all strength,
to feel old and do not know how to accept children. (*)
submerged by the calls of the night suspended
bowed his head on his knees
and resigned himself to silence.
somewhere safe
had kept her memories:
heard them beat in a race back
at a time without images and without
he felt only the painfulness,
no credible experience or narratable;
a mixture of noises, voices, stench
and above signs stinging:
from the skin, nerves, muscles
from the depths,
signs of a thousand explanations
or none. (*)
submerged by the calls of the night suspended
bowed his head on his knees
and resigned himself to silence.
somewhere safe
had kept her memories:
heard them beat in a race back
at a time without images and without
he felt only the painfulness,
no credible experience or narratable;
a mixture of noises, voices, stench
and above signs stinging:
from the skin, nerves, muscles
from the depths,
signs of a thousand explanations
or none. (*)
According to many forecasts
the cities of tomorrow will increasingly
inhabited by people with depression.
currently appear to increase
exalted above all, individuals who consider
world as a place to gain success,
privileges and money at any cost:
(* Caesar Perri - The places of depression - Rubbettino printed by the Association for Research Neurogenetics)
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