Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Frames Ikea.

place now until something else 'I remember how.
It 's a frame Ikea just made. I had a picture of cool fresh Christmas and I took the opportunity to make a gift to my mother-in-law.
I 'ruined' the frame through the sandpaper otherwise stood a bit too much with the cards' vintage that I used. Then I spent a sponge with a little 'brown and finished with some circles and stamped my new stamps issued by the Florileges. Then a few cut flower with a mask of the big shot.
I'm sorry and I did not result in a very short time.

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It 'so much that I do not write!

months now I no longer update the blog, see if they are still capable of!
This period for me was not the best. The last post I had put the ticket for the good wishes of happy birthday to my mom, but now I find myself writing that my mother on September 13 has become an angel and has achieved my dad! Unfortunately it was pretty fast and I still find it hard to believe it really happened, the weather does not help for now ... Anyway
to resume some things in hand I decided it was time to update this poor blog abandoned for too long .
Meanwhile, recommenced with post pictures that I sent a Christmas card:
Then the creation of today's Naomi, a tree made with beans, too cute:
the next update!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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Caring and Curing

Caring: to take the pulse feel the pulse.
Caring : taking the pulse to revive the breath of a panting nearby.

Healing: the silence of science through a diagnosis.
Caring : words of welcome.

Healing: the drip, an antidepressant.
Caring: a potion of hope.

in healing ailments of the psyche can
when many hands are intertwined.

If hands are not enough, you have to ask for help
to everything around us breathes.

may also be helpful to?


The care is a path of science and humanity;

requires attention to the history of the individual,
seen in its context;
it should be a refund of rights denied
and turns, often in a further restriction.
Through protracted hospitalization and anesthesia,
GP and institutions, sometimes even family members,
remove the more general problems of living together
and build fences of chronicity.



Turning your back is there anyone who calls and does not receive replies:
's turn away.

Signs of individual pathology

and signs of social pathology;

the silence of the suffering and the silence of the institutions.

Illness and 'also a proposal:

is influenced by the way in which' accepted.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Astra Injector Peoblems


Psychotherapy is a modality relationship between physician and patient involves the use of a technique within a project. E ', inevitably, a relationship of intense emotion through which they derive many of the therapeutic possibilities, but also the risk of addiction.
recall among the most common psychoanalytic therapy, the cognitive, family or relationships, the behavioral and hypnosis. The guiding principles and methodologies of all psychotherapy are very dissimilar and each is further diversifies guidance in schools.
While respecting the cultural tension is included in the testing of innovative therapeutic approaches by some therapists, there is a risk of a Babel languages \u200b\u200band proposals, while still poor and the self referential criteria.
Once again, the patient and his family are left out are rarely able to express a real consensus on a choice so delicate, 'should' trust!
E ', however, surprised how the same issue can sometimes be clarified or resolved with one or the other form . Maybe it is critical in most of the theoretical principles, practices, or the matching of personal maturity and professional therapist and openness to change of the patient.
Among the basic objectives of psychotherapy should be to improve the quality of patient's interpersonal relationships, together with the his inner growth. The result is an indirect benefit on the symptom. Other times it can be targeted for action to mitigate or manage a dysfunctional behavior, or support in times of crisis.


An obstetrician backwards
that reconnecting the umbilical cord
between the patient and his ghostly parents.
And when the sap flows again
helps him come back.
is not a work of 'cut and sew'
but embroidery with crochet.


"I've told
of your shadows
and how they have accompanied you
Now I am become
your dress, your skin
and you can not keep
to tear a part of you.
by branches
filters always
a question of light ...
and if we consider it a seed,
your own seed?

It 's true, I always kept
the shadows for me
while looking for the light
in others.

And if that seed accogliessimo
as a precious gift,
if proteggessimo
as you would with a puppy?
If we adopt that puppy
anxious that within us?

Easy to say,
but I became barren,
the heart or diaphragm
scramble when I want
and even thoughts belong to me.

belong, have:
how much devastation
to delimit a small vegetable garden.
lights like the shadows belong
the same big plant
with which circles
seek relief
and there is a song for everyone.

For everyone except for me!

You have many reasons not to change:
your fears, panic, infertility,
are the result of your explanations!

A punch in the stomach,
early in the morning!

not think it's also a caress?

E 'to be evaluated.

Again the reasons!
Invented a 'touch' on the shoulder.
Without touching the world. "

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Rehabilitation and misinformation

For psychosocial rehabilitation means the integration of health interventions, educational psychology, social welfare, cultural, employment and leisure, with the objective to recover, where possible, the development potential of the patient or to reduce the psycho-organic involution.
In this field of generous actions are being pursued, especially through volunteering, but are also present the most devastating speculations, being passed off as general rehabilitation social services and primary socialization activities and employment and leisure. 'Or even reappears, with the silence of the organs of control, assistance neomanicomiale. With
hospitalization, with the removal, usually final, affected by the location of the disabled, as a subject even if partial, comes to an end. Space and time become fleeting memories, his thoughts are further coercion, the sentence is ankylosis physical and mental. He becomes a puppet from which to draw for other purposes (economic interests, jobs, social tranquility) the remaining sap. The disadvantage is reflected in permanently disabled!
This is not to deny in the abstract places and means of rehabilitation or long-term care, but their validity as separate contexts. With all the contradictions and limits of a bumpy road, however, you must seek collective sensitivity and ensure institutional procedures designed to maintain written records of disabled citizens in the present!

whole life in a cabinet

had lived so many houses some small

smaller than a cot. One by one the

were expropriated all

with anguish as he tried
keep them inside. In the temple

life in a cabinet with the dress

Still with the label.

The temples of rehabilitation

Hybrid Buildings ,
raised by adding material:
custodialistici residues, fragments of occupational therapy

(the stupid, embroidery),
shreds of socialization
(around the TV),
parties' controlled '
(even if you do not feel like it),
pieces of psychotherapy,
a bit' of mortar and a geriatric
nomeche alludes to holiness or well-being .
Structures abusive
on family owned property?

Playing hide and seek

Education to accommodate the fears,
play hide and seek
with thunder, with lightning
and nightmares;
on the carpets.
Sometimes even the imagination
us back what we lost.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kate Playground Striping


Sometimes the symptoms of depression alternating with episodes of excitement ideo-affective and motor (Fireworks): an occurrence typical of bipolar disorder. Nothing I can (in depression), all I can (in the expansion mood) .


ideas that expand
as fireworks,
that weakens as swords;
colors are sparks,
and words breaks out.
pure energy, without order or brakes
that inflates the ego and the body.
The fantasy and imagination
drop circuits deep
and projecting outside
become excited , desire and magic
to delusional perception,
orgiastic but flowing
of everything that moves.
It 's the season of joy,
artificial, petulant, round,
masking edges and corners
including lurks
that sad or tragic
restless silence
happens to the high.
Sometimes the noise is concealed,
a swarm of vibration
it reaches the climax of the earthquake,
a marathon existential
that does not allow time
to taste a fruit.
In the battle lost
for the domain of nature,
men revolt
against their helplessness,
becoming engines of relentless action ,
whatever they are,
inconclusive or productive
creative or destructive,
without mediation:
robbers or missionaries, inventors,
artists, entrepreneurs or poker players.
A memory and destiny
stamped in their DNA:
explorers of the world
to escape from themselves .

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Depression refers to a trip back in history as vital (and record!) Of the patient and in its biological dimension: an empty nest, a face that moves away, a holiday which we were excluded from ol'incepparsi of a neurotransmitter. It 's a journey into darkness (I found myself in a dark wood) and sometimes it's a one way trip ... a leaf that comes off (the shadow cones).
In true depressive illness should stop running and wait patiently for the arrival of the new season. The patient should not be encouraged to react: no vital impulses, would hear only their own incapacity and increase feelings of guilt that are the source of many desperate actions.
E ', the crucial point that should ever feel only: suffering that oppresses it inconceivable (painfulness). Family members, friends, it is recommended near silent, non-judgmental and without chatter.
When this vital condition of latency (a remnant of hibernating?) Occurs, should therefore be upheld, rejecting claims of modernity to keep constantly active (Drainage vital).
Sometimes the symptoms of depression alternating with episodes of excitement ideo-affective and motor (see Fireworks) : an occurrence is typical of bipolar disorder. Nothing I can (in depression), all I can (in the expansion of humor).


What did I do?
I have failed in all
my whole life is a failure.
was at least really alone!
is terrible
'm destroying a whole family.
As an example,
what help I can give to her companion, and my children?
are an empty shell for them,

and begin to get tired of taking care of me, see me like that.
They are ashamed, I am ashamed.
not understand me,
I can understand.
Nobody can understand me!
even I understand.
My eyes are swollen, his face
contract and I can not even cry.
Only a moan.
Can anyone help me?
No one can help me! (*)


of loneliness is always present in depression.
Overall it is a sentiment that has many aspects

enriching in so far as possible to the person,
collection in itself,
to be listening for their voices deeper.
is part of a workout that gives strength to the inner

transience of being prepared and listening to the voices of the world.
But in the most intense moment of depressive illness is perceived
solitude without hope, the only part

deprivation (all private). We deeply respect

this feeling of loneliness and uselessness. This is also

a workout (which should involve family and friends)
and the sufferer is unable to do so 'only'.
The patient should be helped to react against this
experience of solitude, but at
to grant the request, arguing

the expectation and hope of healing. (*)

Drainage vital

Drained of all lymph
under the weight of the vacuum
in myself and around me.
not just the empty
anxiety but heavy,
feelings of paralysis,
of detachment from the usual.
Even posting
rather a never-ending confrontation
yesterday without a tomorrow.
I'm not hungry, just thirsty
water down his throat,
water on the words.
No more words!
The words of family members,
are distant voices
that add to the plight
other plagues again:
"react, do not break down, react"
and I am helpless,
to fight, to have hope,
the same experience that is dumb!
It is off the light.
At least leave me alone in the dark.
Here, in the evening,
when the city lights
have made opaque
and sounds go away,
this evil to live
acquiesce and a little confused.
But to resume at dawn
I say, long before dawn -
wide-eyed over darkness,
between gl ' nightmares of the night
and the nightmare of a new day
Can anyone help me?
No one can help me! (*)


During the life of each one of us was more or less a warrior.
Racing and retreats, satisfaction, face ...
During the life each one of us was more or less, an old man
even those who have not received the gift of age and weight.
But each of us is especially a child
a blank form of adult tries to suppress.
A child, an old man and a warrior take us in,
while we pursue all our time
quell'effige of power that is the adult.
In depression there is the despair of having lost all strength,
to feel old and do not know how to accept children. (*)


submerged by the calls of the night suspended
bowed his head on his knees
and resigned himself to silence.
somewhere safe
had kept her memories:

heard them beat in a race back
at a time without images and without
he felt only the painfulness,
no credible experience or narratable;
a mixture of noises, voices, stench
and above signs stinging:
from the skin, nerves, muscles
from the depths,
signs of a thousand explanations
or none. (*)

According to many forecasts

the cities of tomorrow will increasingly

inhabited by people with depression.
currently appear to increase
exalted above all, individuals who consider

world as a place to gain success,
privileges and money at any cost:

(* Caesar Perri - The places of depression - Rubbettino printed by the Association for Research Neurogenetics)

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interpersonal relationships are intertwined in different codes of communication: some concern the news itself, usually expressed through verbal language, other affective state (love, closeness, friendship, sympathy, antipathy, fear, hatred, etc. disnteresse.) dominated in the use of non-verbal language (signs, gestures, tone of voice, etc..), other codes, finally, concern the recognition of the roles (equal, above or below ordered) participants to the report.
Communication is clear when there is congruence between the different codes cominucativi.

I called you and you did not answer

I called
and have not responded.
your voice was too low.
Too poor to your hearing.
actually called me?
I called you too.
But what you said, what did you want?
What I
is not what I said
some desires have no words!
So how do I settle?
do not know.
Some things you just do.
Like when someone tells a story
(a lullaby?)
to a child.

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the despair of post traumatic stress disorder

When a person is suffering a serious and disabling mental illness (eg dementia), followed by the disruption of the patient's feelings of loss and stress of family care and, to varying degrees, the experience of helplessness and stress of the GP.
The patient ends up being limited not only by the extent of the disease, but also by the way it is being greeted by family, friends, acquaintances and the operators themselves, according to the story and growth of each of them.
fact, the objects of experience for all of us are the proposals that are offered to us (at home, on the street, in places of care and re-socialization), so it is mainly the draft report. Especially those who find themselves in serious difficulties expresses not only the symptoms or behaviors related to their diversity and experience on this, but those induced by experience and interpretation by the very diversity of the surrounding environment.
In more complicated situations, single family, single joint, single operator, and especially those most directly and intensely involved , can not do it alone to meet the demands of those who remained or is regressing on the cognitive and affective side and sometimes up to an infantile stage where they are needed attention primitive.
Yet in these scenarios of loss and 'dead', in the intertwining of suffering, dedication, and fatigue can sciprire a whisper of life, an individual and collective appeal to the 'resurgence'. They can then wake up sounds, gestures and words of life. More often the prevailing silence.

Your eyes

your eyes I try
while you're still and tremble
or you struggle and scream ...
a profound pity
and a great anger:
anger of deprivation,
anger of impotence,
anger of abandonment,
anger loneliness.
A dull anger,
that lurks in the guts
es'alimenta sacrifices,
waste and ways of guilt.
While I take care of him
who takes care of me?

The disappearance

As with fatigue
search to reproduce a story,
its history,
a presence,
his presence,
or just his voice,
with the experience of misfortune and death
of people around him
and at the end
becomes too dumb.
Words can not read,
gestures interrupted
most crushing rejection of the ex:
also crouch
becomes difficult.
just disappears!

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interweaving of light interrupted
a shadow envelops the warrior
shoulder, a bit 'sideways,
not distinguish the age
and even the face:
only the sharp outline of the chin
and nose hair.
Bruni, waxed,
insensitive to wind
who rushed into the clearing.
He was a skilled hunter,
but when his companions
were eaten by tigers,
his body
was much more agile
and only one survived.
Then the remains of many battles
crouched in the hollow of a tree
and in that womb without nourishment
lay without waiting.
now so still
not grasp its breath.

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In the modern state of alarm and insecurity is widespread, it has become almost a costume or a collective symptom. The causes are multiple. Some real and visible material (loneliness, poverty, unemployment, the continuing civil wars), are linked to other negative life events (losses, deaths, diseases), including psychological trauma, more or less intimately.
Faced with an increasingly indefinite future, it is understandable why Anxiety has become the most common psychological burden. This represents an extreme panic and acute.
Some solutions should be sought in its interior, some in the general improvement of living conditions and in the recovery of humanity in interpersonal relationships.
prevails, thanks to word of mouth pharmaceutical multinationals and the apparent ease of the solution, the use of antidepressants and anxiolytics, even when they are not needed.
attentive to his fears,
walked like obfuscated
not distinguishing
a blanket of leaves
from the gray asphalt.
His time
by the tolling
of foresight
made him blind.
The silence
recalled his thoughts
where he had started
while stubbornly said
"I'm here."
At each step
rustling the ground gave way.
"I feel dizzy,
have never been in a forest,
've never been there! "
is true,
you're here,
you were born here,
but your fears began
when a gem
begat a sign on the moss
and suspended.
the crowns of the beeches
suggest wind
supple sounds marine
and revive the fable.
someone took her hand
and you whispered
a dream or a lullaby;
or maybe it was just a fairy tale.
Sai tell fairy tales?
know to take your hand?
I know, is not an adult!
Adults transform
stories in history
and forests to ashes or paper
to quiet their hunger for fairy tales.
And they are afraid.


attentive to his fears,
walked like obscured,
not distinguishing
a mantle of leaves
from the grayness of asphalt.
His times,
by the tolls
of foresight,
made him blind.
Also the silence
recalled his thoughts
where he had started,
while stubbornly said
“I'm here”.
"At every step
the ground sank rustling."
"I feel dizzy,"
"I've never been in a wood,
I've never been there! "
"It is true,
you are here,
you were born here,
but your fears began there
when a bud begot
a sign on the moss
and suspended it.
the foliage of the beech
suggest to the wind
flexuous marine sounds
and revive the fable.
someone took you by the hand
and whispered you
a dream or a lullaby;
or maybe it was just a fable.
You can tell fables for you?
You can take you by the hand?
I know, it isn't adult!
The adults turn
the fables into history
and ash into the woods or paper
to quiet Their hunger for fables.
And They Are Afraid.