Saturday, March 5, 2011

1998 C230 Sunroof Reprogram

The resurgent

the resurgent
Severe mental illness is tantamount to a catastrophe, it is followed by a clash of loneliness that often turns into an escalation of charges and countercharges among family members, especially among parents.
At a time when it would need the maximum solidarity and work towards the identification of solutions for the future, everyone tends to attribute more responsibility to the other and then
an offense (pass) for the event. The charges may relate to the educational or behavioral, being too permissive or strict and sometimes also include the genetic (hereditary alleged). The mutual accusations of failure to manage the problem often also disrupt the relationship between the family and the GP.
Conversely when tested together (professionals, patients and families), the idea and in the daily practice of group work, a journey of healing and acceptance, it is likely that feelings of belonging s'instaurino calculator and then affection. The drama of the event can then be transformed into an opportunity for all of change and growth. It becomes a fact, a report, which shakes, stirs and waits for responses from consciousness as well as by reason.
The new resources that science offers are then hand hand with the rediscovery of ancient resources, a backward path, not at all easy, to the wellsprings of our individual history and humanity.
sometimes you just stretch your hand to each other, as happens when patients, families, professionals, volunteers and ordinary citizens share a project, form a team, they join in an association: the home of all.

The home of all

Around a small fire of damp wood
with a lot of smoke ,
blind persons deemed
and therefore observed from afar,
were squatting
with family and friends,
and the warmth of the hands
have dried wood .
The smoke turned into flames
and recrimination in history.
The ghetto, the isolation, the corner has become
corner and then the hut, the hut
living room, kitchen
as in 'good' case .
The memory of the party missed
is dissolved in the spaces of this:
dance, recitation, laboratory, entertainment,
a holiday;
the weight of loneliness
in the pleasure and hard work
of being together;
the sounds of the disease:
desperate, bitter, asynchronous,
in 'Sync'.
Besides the original homes
is the home of all sorts.


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