It 's the seventh figure of the "Major Arcana" Tarot and it has the Roman numeral VII. The wagon starts the third ternary and therefore its significance is emphasized by the emblematic moment increases its predictive value and esoteric. Its immediate significance is to be interpreted in relation to the figure that precedes it, and terminating the second triple that is, "Lovers." The paper contains a symbolism of the cart full of passionate force of movement and dynamism as it receives the beneficial influences of the paper that preceded it. Some authors identify the young man who appears as the main protagonist of the map "Lovers" and that has direct influence on the paper of "Chariot" immediately next to the guy that makes the pair of horses to the yoke of the cart depicted in this magnificent seventh card of the "Major Arcana" of the Tarot. As the figure sitting on the box and who rules the reins of the horse is older than the young of the paper of "Lovers", the essential meaning of the seventh card is the passage of time: "Tempus Fugitive", "life ".... brevis
Looking at the paper that the cart draws the attention first surprise any observer is that the shoulders of the main character's faces look shaped with humans. A similar insert figurative shocking in principle can be interpreted in different ways. In the first place indicates that it is possible to overcome the contradictions that it captures all of a sudden people at key moments in their lives. Weakness of mind, personality off, fragile nature, meanness feelings ... trasformazsione and everything is likely to change, just accept it as is and it never ceases to pursue it. In this sense the paper of "Chariot" buy psychological connotations and animation showing the existence of blocks volunteers in men who appear at times when you are just beginning, sometimes after having made great efforts, still in extreme situations, in moments of extreme discomfort, when all seems lost. It is ultimately better to exploit themselves, to bring out the strength of will that everyone has the ego deeper. The figure of the chariot is related to the mythical symbol of the Phoenix, the fabulous animal with golden red feathers, according to the priests of ancient Egypt could match the eagle as a majestic and imposing presence. According to legend, the phoenix when they feel that death is near, it builds a nest with resins, herbs and dry sisimbrio. He enters and remains immobile until the fire brought by the sun turns the bird and its nest on fire. when everything seems to be over, leaving only a pile of ashes, from these remains a young and new born Phoenix that soars to the altar of the sun surrounded by a flock of birds of all species, bringing the ashes of her ancestors, who sacrificed himself to create a new life. The Phoenix sees the light every 500 years and its presence is clearly a good omen.
colors: classic shape in yellow, red and blue are present in equal measure. The clothes of the main character in contrast with the yellow belt. Of the four pillars on which rests the roof of the wagon, a sort of canopy of cloth with a brown rose symbolizing the element of water on the front, two red and two are blue. Even the horses pulling the wagon are of different colors, one is red and the other is white. this contrast of colors symbolizing the inner anguish that you feel subjected all mankind, caused by the contradictions of its controversial nature, into which a psychological aspect (soul and spirit) and a somatic (body and matter). It 'a symbol of unification and contingency, difficulty, messenger of circumstances which would not be possible without the transformations and changes that each process brings with it. Some scholars of the Major Arcana have insisted that the vehicle that appears in the figure of the chariot is pulled by horses, this suggests that the seventh card has in it a latent symbolism on the victory and triumph, the benefits obtained and the goal achieved. A
Another aspect of this paper that some schools followers of Hermetic doctrines considered essential, is that concerning the SM letters that appear between the two horses and refer to the essential elements "Sulphur (Sulfur) and" Mercurius "(Mercury) used by alchemists in their mysterious mixtures to obtain the hidden formulas.
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