marked by the number 8, she begins with the second sevenfold. For this reason, its symbolism is the most balanced and universal among those who make illustrations of the Tarot. His main meanings are related to balance, impartiality and objectivity. With the three colors are rich in meaning (yellow, red and blue) is configured as a card to great predictive power. According to classical mythology, the figure of "Justice" is associated with the goddess Themis, daughter of Heaven and earth, as also described by the greatest singers. Topics challenged in one hand and a sword in the other the balance indicate that the giustizai what can not be imposed without the help of force; also sometimes the eyes of the goddess of justice appear covered by a bandage. This especially increases the sense of fairness of the Law and Justice eliminating any distinctions between the categories of persons, or between social ranks: the assumption of neutrality is essential for Justice